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Alone in the pipe

AitP is a project made to work on Occulus Rift, where the player has to shot to destroy targets and open doors, while avoiding obstacles, to go deeper and deeper in the pipe and make the highest score.
It was a project done for Aries in one month. On this project i programed many gameplay features, such as shooting, score, boosts... I also did the UI and menus, optimising them for the ocullus, like selecting just by looking an option.

Dark Castle

Dark Fantasy themed athmospheric level design, about an old castle where all the inhabitants mysteriously died on the spot, and mysterious gems in studies.

C# Prototypes


Working with object to creat spells, with different effects, visuals, cooldowns

Dungeon Crawler

[Work in Progress]
Using most of the features from the first games, i wanted to try some other king of board game, the dungeon crawler. Where you can move in any directions, and have enemies on the board.
Ennemies moves randomly at the end of every turns.
You also can draw cards. 
For now, there's not much more, but it's still in progress.

Educational Games

A board game using Unity3D made for St François School. Anyone can write questions related to 5 themes/books or subjects, using .txt files to make it easy to use, and to change questions every years.
One of the variant is a Quizz about fishes then one of the teacher needed, also sent to a kid's magazine.

Brick Breaker

A small brick breaker for smartphone, using the gyroscope to move the paddle, and Unity's physics to bounce the ball.
You can collect four bonuses. The red makes the paddle smaller, and the blue larger. The green one makes the paddle sticks, and the yellow makes the paddle able to fire, by tapping on the screen.

​Copyright 2012, No animals were harmed in the making

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