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Year is 2190 …

Man dreames of it, and did it. Mars has been colonized and terraformes, but it's far from the Promised Land. In fact it's a dictature handled by the iron hand of the Colonial Authority; a puppet government controled by a greedy consortium of corporations.

Asim is a settler of New Dedalie, the capital of Mars. Wearing a wingsuit and despite of all danger, this mesenger flies in the canyons crossing through the city. But one day, Asim is betrayed and emprisoned in the colonial jails.

To break out, Asim is helped by a mysterious hacker names Deelok. Now forced to go underground, he's still a messenger but now for the independance fighters of Mars. Asim is now a "Sahos Diver".

The game Shadow Diver propose to play Asim and help Mars rebels to fight the Colobial Authority. You can allie the fierce paramilitary , the sons of Phobos, and help them sabotage. Or follow the way of the mysterious Astrale brotherhood by hacking the Autorithy's propaganda.


Mars shall be free!

My job.

For Shadow Diver,i was one of the Game Designer but mostly a Level Designer.I've made some of the first test canyons, but my most important contribution was for the China Town part of the final canyon.

This part can be seen at 6:35 on the gameplay video.

Also made smaller tasks like the Monorail matinee and rail tracks, also made the camera drones.

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